Scheduling made easy with drag & drop in our planning board

The planning board gives you an instant overview of all your projects and resources. You can schedule resources by dragging and dropping them to projects. With customizable display options, this nifty visual resource planning tool shows you exactly the data you need to schedule efficiently.

An illustration of a computer with a digital planning board on its screen
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An illustration of the time scale function in the digital planning board feature.

Time scale

You can set the time scale to day, week or month view. The day view is very suitable for scheduling short activities in hours and half hours. You can choose to display only working hours or full days.

Switch to a week or month view and you get a bigger picture for the near future. You can select how many weeks or months you want to display and scroll through them with the navigation bar.

Multiple views

The planning board lets you look at your schedule from two boards at the same time. This way you can look at the project and resource planning from two perspectives and it allows you to drag and drop from one board to the other.

You can customize it by setting up your own views and selections of projects and resources. Besides a visual display of projects and resources in separate boards, you can also display them in a list view.

An illustration of the option in the planning board to define your own views

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"Timewax gives us a perfect overview of our project planning. It’s better than Outlook ever did."
A photo of Randy van Santen
Randy van Santen | Van Santen Advies
An illustration of the skills function of the planning board which you use the quickly search for resources based on required skills.

Open request bookings

You can create open request bookings for projects without assigning resources to them. At a later stage, you can find the qualified resources based on department, position or skills and assign them.

With functional security, you can have project managers look at the available resources but not schedule them. You can allow them only to create open request bookings or submit resource requests for their projects.

Alerts and emails

You can activate alerts to notify you when resources are over-allocated, conflicting entries occur, deadlines are exceeded and when you assign resources that are no longer qualified to do certain jobs.

You can send emails to employees to remind them of projects in their schedule. You can also send confirmation emails to clients. Emails can be set up with templates in plain text and HTML.

An illustration of the reminders function in the planning board which you use to quickly send schedule reminders to customers and resources.
An illustration of the display settings of the planning board.

Display settings

Each user can customize the display of the planning board to his or her needs. You can extend the display of bookings to show the status, progress, sent emails and  utilization on resource level.

In the project and resource board you can determine which master data you would like the columns to show, like client, project manager, department and much more. Your setup will be automatically saved as a user preference.

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